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Blue Water Fish - Secret #2 – Blue Water Knows What’s in Season and Wh

Blue Water Fish - Secret #2 – Blue Water Knows What’s in Season and Where

Seafood, Fresh Seafood Market on Long Island New YorkThe Atlantic Salmon, for example, migrate 6,000 miles per year to return to the rivers where they were born. There, they give birth to a new generation of salmon. Other fish only swim as little as a half mile for food. However, whether they are long-distance swimmers or not, they all have something in common. They need to migrate to get to habitats where they can reproduce, feed, find shelter, and escape extreme temperatures.

Different waters produce different fish. There are warm water fish, and there are cold water fish. The best cod, for example, comes from cold, northern waters. Blue Water’s Cod is a wild-caught pure white fish that arrives in New York every day by plane from either the deep seas of Finland or Iceland.

The local Long Island fishing season varies for each variety of fish. The season for Striped Bass, for example, runs from April to mid-December. Open season for Summer Flounder, aka Fluke, runs from early May to the end of September. Clams and oysters are year round.

A change in climate or the environment can wreak havoc on local fish. Red tide, for example, is a common name for a harmful algae. In 2021, it ruined the Peconic Bay Scallops season. Traditionally, this season starts on the first Monday in November and lasts three to four months. Yet Blue Water knows that if the scallops are not out in the beginning of the season, they aren’t going to be coming out at all and other sources have to be found.